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Court-Ready Documents


You have a Problem...

We have a Solution!

     If you have an issue or matter that needs to be addressed in a court of law, either to secure your rights, or defend against someone else's filing which may or does affect your rights, then we can help!  If you can't afford thousands of dollars to hire an attorney, or have already been there and done that, and don't want to do it again, then we can help!

We are Experts!

child custody disputes

     We are experts in preparing legal documents ready-to-file (based upon your specific information and desires) in any Idaho Court.  We have assisted many thousands of Idaho residents over the past 32+ years, by preparing court-ready documents for them, in each of the following subject areas.   And... we can help you too!  Just click on the brown tab relating to the subject matter of your current issue for detailed information, and/or to get started.  With our professional services, you will not get simple boilerplate forms, rather, very specific and detailed documents tailored just for you.  We are confident that you will be pleased, and if not, we will fix them until you are.

LLC's Corp's
The Corporation
Custody of child
Image of Paternity Test Results
Living Trrust & Estate Planing

Contact Us Online

Send us a quick message, indicating the nature of your legal matter or questions.  We can't give actual legal advice, but we can give you legal information (which is not the same as legal advice), and we can provide court-ready legal documents.  As soon as we receive your contact information, we will send you a Questionnaire, tailored to your specific legal matter, to elicit information necessary to prepare documents for you.

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