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Legal document preparation services

Your Online Legal Assistant

Documents prepared for use in the State of Idaho only.
If you have a problem . . . We have a solution !
Court-Ready Documents
DISCLAIMER: We are a Document Preparation Service and we do not offer legal advice. We can and do provide legal information and necessary procedural instructions for many legal processes, to be used in the District Court's of the State of Idaho only.
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Why Choose Us?
Hi! My name is Leo wees (yes, that's my "mug shot" up above). It's not that I am so darn vain that I wanted my picture on every page of this website, but I was advised that it would make my site look more friendly. I do happen to be pretty friendly and easy-going though, so I want you to know you won't be dealing with some "stuffed shirt." I started helping people by preparing their legal forms back in 1990, and have been at it ever since. Over that past 30+ years, I have helped many thousands of people seek, and in most cases acomplish, their legal objectives. My customer's success, using my documents, is proven by the fact that I have not had to do any paid advertising ffor longer than 12 years (since 2010), and have remained constantly busy, based solely upon referrals from satisfied customers. Most of my customers were seeking an Order from the court to file for divorce or custody; many were seeking to modify an existing but outdated order, because the facts on the ground had changed (kids now living with other parent, a job loss; a parent moved or needed to move; etc.), or some were defending themselves against someone else's Petition to the court. I have also helped with hundreds of step-parent and other adoptions; prepared all of the required documents for Probates and Guardianships; created numerous Corporations and Limited Liability Companies, etc. aI am very good at what I do (you can see that I am also modest, as well as good looking), and I believe that I can help you, and save you thousands of dollars in the process. Just click on the contact link below, and we can get started.
Contact Me Online
Send us a quick message, indicating the nature of your legal matter or questions. We can't give actual legal advice, but we can give you legal information (which is not the same as legal advice), and we can provide court-ready legal documents. As soon as we receive your contact information, we will send you a Questionnaire, tailored to your specific legal matter, to elicit information necessary to prepare documents for you.